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AOP Convert



SQL Query

Enter the SQL statement in following format. At least 3 columns are necessary up to a maximum of 7.
The columns between [] are optional.


select filename, mime_type, [file_blob, file_base64, url_call_from_db, url_call_from_aop, file_on_aop_server]
from my_table
where instr()

Init PL/SQL Code

You can define global variables of the aop_api_pkg in this area.
Available variables:

-- Global variables
g_output_filename varchar2(100) := null;
g_language varchar2(2) := 'en'; -- Language can be: en, fr, nl, de


aop_api_pkg.g_output_filename      := 'output';
aop_api_pkg.g_output_filename := v('P1_FILENAME');

Output Type

Only PDF(pdf) output is available.

Output To

By default the file that's generated by AOP, will be downloaded by the Browser and saved on your harddrive.

Available options include:

Browser (file)


This option will call a procedure in a specific format. This option is useful in case you don't need the file on your own harddrive, but for example you want to mail the document automatically. In that case you can create a procedure that adds the generated document as an attachment to your apex_mail.send.

Procedure and Browser (file)

This option allows you to call a procedure first and next download the file to your harddrive. An example is when you first want to store the generated document in a table before letting the browser to download it.

Inline Region (pdf/html/md/txt only)

add data-aop-inline-pdf="Name of Dynamic Action" or data-aop-inline-txt="Name of Dynamic Action" to a region, div, textarea of other.

Directory (on AOP Server)

Save the file to a directory specified with g_output_directory. The default directory on the AOP Server is outputfiles.

Directory (on Database Server)

Save the file to a database directory specified with g_output_directory. Example how to create Database directory:

CREATE DIRECTORY AOP_TEMPLATE AS '/home/oracle/aop_output';