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-- c_aop_version 
c_aop_version constant varchar2(6) := '24.1'
-- c_aop_url : for https use
c_aop_url constant varchar2(50) := ''
-- c_mime_type_docx : Mime Types
c_mime_type_docx constant varchar2(100) := 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document'
-- c_mime_type_pptx
c_mime_type_pptx constant varchar2(100) := 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation'
-- c_mime_type_pdf
c_mime_type_pdf constant varchar2(100) := 'application/pdf'
-- c_mime_type_html
c_mime_type_html constant varchar2(100) := 'text/html'
-- c_mime_type_markdown
c_mime_type_markdown constant varchar2(100) := 'text/markdown'
-- c_mime_type_rtf
c_mime_type_rtf constant varchar2(100) := 'application/rtf'
-- c_mime_type_json
c_mime_type_json constant varchar2(100) := 'application/json'
-- c_mime_type_text
c_mime_type_text constant varchar2(100) := 'text/plain'
-- c_mime_type_zip
c_mime_type_zip constant varchar2(100) := 'application/zip'
-- c_pdf_pdf
c_pdf_pdf constant varchar2(3) := 'pdf'
-- c_output_encoding_raw : Output
c_output_encoding_raw constant varchar2(3) := 'raw'
-- c_init_null
c_init_null constant varchar2(5) := 'null;'
-- c_source_type_sql
c_source_type_sql constant varchar2(3) := 'SQL'


Convert one or more files by using a SQL query with following syntax (between [] can be one or more columns) select filename, mime_type, [file_blob, file_base64, url_call_from_db, url_call_from_aop, file_on_aop_server] from my_table


function convert_files(
p_query in clob,
p_output_type in varchar2 default c_pdf_pdf,
p_output_encoding in varchar2 default c_output_encoding_raw,
p_output_to in varchar2 default null,
p_output_filename in out nocopy varchar2,
p_output_converter in varchar2 default null,
p_output_collection in varchar2 default null,
p_aop_remote_debug in varchar2 default 'No',
p_aop_url in varchar2 default null,
p_api_key in varchar2 default null,
p_aop_mode in varchar2 default null,
p_app_id in number default null,
p_page_id in number default null,
p_user_name in varchar2 default null,
p_init_code in clob default c_init_null,
p_failover_aop_url in varchar2 default null,
p_failover_procedure in varchar2 default null,
p_log_procedure in varchar2 default null,
p_procedure in varchar2 default null)
return blob



Format of query: select filename, mime_type, file_blob, file_base64, url_call_from_db, url_call_from_aop, file_on_aop_server from my_table


Extension (pdf, xlsx, ...) or mime type (application/pdf, application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet, ...) of the output format. Following constants exists in aop_api_pkg:
- c_word_docx
- c_excel_xlsx
- c_powerpoint_pptx
- c_pdf_pdf
- c_html_html
- c_markdown_md
- c_text_txt
- c_word_rtf
- c_onepagepdf_pdf
- c_count_tags
- c_defined_by_apex_item


Following constants can be used: c_output_encoding_raw, c_output_encoding_base64


Where does the blob or file need to be sent to: - c_output_browser: the browser will open the file
- c_output_procedure: a blob will be passed to a procedure which is defined in p_procedure
- c_output_procedure_browser: a blob will be passed to a procedure which is defined in p_procedure and the file is sent to the browser
- c_output_inline: the output is defined for showing inline in a region
- c_output_directory: the file is stored on the AOP Server in this directory
- c_output_cloud: a file is sent to the cloud (Dropbox, Amazon S3, Google Drive) using the credentials defined in g_cloud_provider, g_cloud_location and g_cloud_access_token


Filename of the result


Define the PDF converter you want to use. Multipled converters can be defined in the AOP Server.


If a zip file is returned the files will be unzipped and put into a collection, currently not implemented, future improvement


Turning debugging on will generate the JSON that is sent to the AOP Server in a file. The actual request to the AOP Server is not done. Following constants can be used: - c_debug_remote: store the JSON in your dashboard on
- c_debug_local: store the JSON local on your pc
- c_debug_application_item: depending the Application item AOP_DEBUG, Remote (Yes) or Local (Local) or no debugging is done


Description: URL where the AOP Server is running. For the AOP Cloud use c_aop_url


Description: API Key which can be found when you login at


APEX Application ID


Page ID to call in the APEX application


Username which should be used to create an APEX session


Initialisation code which can be invoked in this package

returnConverted file in blob


  select filename, mime_type, file_blob, url_call_from_aop
from my_table