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Release History

  • The AOP Team 13-DEC-2024

    Version 24.3.2 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.



    • AOP 24.3.2 is compatible with APEX 19.2 and higher (for APEX 18.1-19.1, we ship AOP 22.2.6).


    • The AOP Server is available for Windows and Linux (Red Hat / Oracle 8 and higher and Ubuntu 18.04 and higher).
    • Java 8 or higher is now required to install the AOP Server.


    • Ability to specify the wallet configuration for HTTPS calls.

    On Prem Server

    • Bug fix for when pdf conversion would timeout and get stuck due to libreoffice not closing properly.
  • The AOP Team 10-DEC-2024

    Version 24.3.1 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.



    • AOP 24.3.1 is compatible with APEX 19.2 and higher (for APEX 18.1-19.1, we ship AOP 22.2.6).


    • The AOP Server is available for Windows and Linux (Red Hat / Oracle 8 and higher and Ubuntu 18.04 and higher).
    • Java 8 or higher is now required to install the AOP Server.

    AOP Server (Backend)

    • Small bug fixes.
  • The AOP Team 29-NOV-2024

    Version 24.3 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.



    • AOP 24.3 is compatible with APEX 19.2 and higher (for APEX 18.1-19.1, we ship AOP 22.2.6).


    • The AOP Server is available for Windows and Linux (Red Hat / Oracle 8 and higher and Ubuntu 18.04 and higher).
    • Java 8 or higher is now required to install the AOP Server.

    AOP Server (Backend)

    • Simplified Batch processing 
      When the provided SQL generates an extensive dataset, and AOP cannot generate a single document for DOCX, XLSX, PPTX, or PDF, AOP Internal Data Batching can be helpful.
      For example, Generating a single file per customer in one call and generating huge PDFs, which previously would give a time-out. 
    • Ability to compare two files and generate a new PDF highlighting their differences
    • Ability to select an image as an output option. It will generate one image per page of the PDF.
    • Ability to include PDFs inside your template using pdfinclude tag 
    • Ability to provide custom Javascript functions and variables using `transformation_function` to manipulate the provided data before document rendering. 
    • Bug fix for the chart dimensions provided in custom attribute `data-aop-(width|height)`.
    • Support for the Status Meter Gauge Charts to export as native office chart.
    • Ability to remove individual dataLabel for the specific data in charts.
    • Enhancement for EML to PDF. AOP will now take RTF data if no HTML text is available. 

    AOP Webeditor

    • New checkbox and text fields for output_split, output_split_by_page and output_split_by_string in More Options Tab > PDF Options.
    • Ability to test transformation function and view the transformed data.

    PL/SQL API / APEX Plug-ins

    • Added output as JSON.
    • Improved support for Rich Text in Interactive Report.


    • Charts: ability to provide the angle of the first slice for the Doughnut Chart.
    • Charts: removing individual chart labels for specific data in Doughnut, Bar and Column Charts.
    • HTML Content Tag bug fix for table width when no unit was given. 
    • HTML Content Checkbox input type bug fix for the checked case. If the checked attribute is present, AOP will mark it as checked.


    • Charts: ability to provide the angle of the first slice for the Doughnut Chart.
    • Charts: removing individual chart labels for specific data in Doughnut, Bar and Column Charts.
    • Simple tags like "{data_string}" and Loop tags like "{#data_loop} … {/data_loop}" can be used inside the text box.
    • Bug fixes for some issues with drawings.


    • Charts: ability to provide the angle of the first slice for the Doughnut Chart.
    • Charts: removing individual chart labels for specific data in Doughnut, Bar and Column Charts.


  • The AOP Team 03-SEP-2024

    Version 24.2.3 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.



    • AOP 24.2.3 is compatible with APEX 19.2 and higher (for APEX 18.1-19.1, we ship AOP 22.2.6).


    • The AOP Server is available for Windows and Linux (Red Hat / Oracle 8 and higher and Ubuntu 18.04 and higher).
    • Java 8 or higher is now required to install the AOP Server.


    • Fixed compatibility issue with Oracle 12c


    • Bug fix for Pie Chart data labels (Labels-Value)
    • Support line break and tab (\n & \t) in the text while using cell markup tag in the table


    • Bug fix for the invalid XLSX file generation while checking and removing unused XML files
    • Bug fix for the IR computational column while checking rich text


    • Support for horizontal tabular looping and performance enhancement

    AOP Server (Backend)

    • Ability to call flat and concat on arrays
    • Better identification of signature fields
    • Bug fix for port configuration on aop_config.jsonc file
    • Added a new route to check the status of a particular request id
    • Ability to set whether to include comments as annotation in output pdf or not using `g_output_remove_comments`
    • Added a new route to check the status of a particular request id
    • Periodic cleanup of log files and additional error handling while writing logs
    • New config parameter `logs_directory` to provide the location to store server_printjob, server_error, network_log, and server_uncaught_exception

    AOP Webeditor

    • Bug fix in the PDF Options and now check for the APEX truthy value.
    • Disabled the version check of the HTMLEditor (CKEditor4)


  • The AOP Team 10-JUN-2024

    Version 24.2.2 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.



    • AOP 24.2.2 is compatible with APEX 19.2 and higher (for APEX 18.1-19.1, we ship AOP 22.2.6).


    • The AOP Server is available for Windows and Linux (Red Hat / Oracle 8 and higher and Ubuntu 18.04 and higher).
    • Java 8 or higher is now required to install the AOP Server.

    APEX Integration

    • Support for number formatting with PT in XLSX for IR, IG and CR reports.
    • APEX Region export allows custom attributes specified as HTML and SVG.


    • HTML content tag: support for colgroup tag in HTML content.
    • HTML content tag: text alignment of of cell in HTML table.  
    • HTML content tag: fix for overflow of image inside an HTML table along with better handling of table's total widths.
    • HTML content tag: fix for nested list.
    • In table cell style tag, all options of style tag (style tagName) are supported.
    • Bug fix while using conditional and nested loops in the same cell that produced an invalid docx.
    • Bug fix while processing the headings in the table.
    • Bug fix when style tag followed by space and normal tag, the space got removed in between.  


    • Bug fix for invalid xlsx output when col span max value is being set greater than the excel max limit of columns while using horizonal loop.
    • Support for column with rich text and markdown type.
    • Fix for cell height when inside a table row loop tag.


    • Support for AOP tags in slide notes. 
    • New Tag: {remove?} : ability to remove the added shape completely when the tag has falsy values.


    • Improved form detection for checkboxes and radio buttons.
    • Ability to use HEIC image type as append or prepend files.

    AOP Server 

    • Ability to specify passphrase for provided https key.
    • Conversion of EML to PDF: attachments text font is made dynamic.
    • Process type converter gives an appropriate error message when no files are provided for conversion.
    • Bug fix for async request where bigger output files would throw an out of memory error.
    • Bug fix for async post request when an error would occurs.
    • Bug fixed for not using should_hash when tempate_hash is provided.
    • Bug fix for the output_compression while responding with the zipped file.
    • AOP Server will not accept unknown parameters while starting.

    AOP Webeditor 

    • New Fields to enter the API Key, enable PDF/A and PDF/UA compliant in the Composer - More Options tab.
    • Download Data and Clear Data buttons added in the Data Tab.
    • Template Location Section now suports the template URLs.
    • Bug Fix for the font preview buttons in the Utility section.


  • The AOP Team 13-MAR-2024

    Version 24.2 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.



    • AOP 24.2 is compatible with APEX 19.2 and higher (for APEX 18.1-19.1, we ship AOP 22.2.6).


    • The AOP Server is available for Windows and Linux (Red Hat / Oracle 8 and higher and Ubuntu 18.04 and higher).
    • Java 8 or higher is now required to install the AOP Server.

    Breaking change

    • Make sure to update all the AOP Plug-ins in all applications when installing the latest AOP PL/SQL API (aop_db_pkg.sql).
      The screenshot mechanism was updated, which requires both the new APEX plug-in and PL/SQL API. Before, we were backward compatible with both. With this release, both have to be updated.

    APEX Features (AOP DA)

    • Improved screenshot mechanism: before, only 15 regions could be included, but with this release, this limitation is removed, and unlimited regions can be added
    • The screenshot will also remove the shaded grey part that, depending on the APEX region, was added
    • Improvements on charts: the ability to specify the width and height of the chart in custom attributes
    • Improvements on charts: support for the decimal places for Decimal, Percentage and Currency Format Type
    • Improvements on charts: combinational chart type support for stacked items
    • Improvements on charts: ability to provide formatCode for x and y axis in chart options
    • Interactive Report and Classic Report: HTML Expression and Computation bug fixed 
    • Interactive Report and Grid: fix for count rows in pivot table

    AOP Server

    • Improvements on security: You can now enable the hsts header using—-enable_hsts or the enable_hsts key in aop_config.jsonc.
    • New, faster parser for documents generated from an Excel template.  Up to a 30% performance gain!
    • Bug Fix: Service systemd startup permission issue fix
    • Bug Fix: Post Process Commands fix


    • Improvements on the HTML Module: better handling of rowspan of a table for HTML content tag


    • Pivot table improvements


    • AOP can now make your PDF accessible and more easily readable by screenreaders! You only need to specify that you want your output to be PDF/UA compliant.
    • Ability to specify custom text in digital PDF signatures
  • The AOP Team 06-FEB-2024

    Version 24.1.1 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.



    • AOP 24.1.1 is compatible with APEX 19.2 and higher (for APEX 18.1-19.1, we ship AOP 22.2.6).


    • The AOP Server is available for Windows and Linux (Red Hat / Oracle 8 and higher and Ubuntu 18.04 and higher).
    • Java 8 or higher is now required to install the AOP Server.

    AOP Server

    • Fix for Hyperlink
    • Fix for HTML Expression

    AOP Sample App

    • Added some missing templates for charts in the APEX 23.2 app


  • The AOP Team 02-FEB-2024

    Version 24.1 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.



    • AOP 24.1 is compatible with APEX 19.2 and higher (for APEX 18.1-19.1, we ship AOP 22.2.6).


    • The AOP Server is available for Windows and Linux (Red Hat / Oracle 8 and higher and Ubuntu 18.04 and higher).
    • Java 8 or higher is now required to install the AOP Server.

    Breaking change

    • The chart type region will now be exported and interpreted as a native Office chart instead of a screenshot. 
      If a screenshot is desired wrap the chart region in a static content region with as template Blank with Attributes and provide the static id of this region.

    AOP Server

    • officeconverter temp files are removed instantly after the conversion is completed
    • HTML to PDF falls back to backupTempDir if an error is thrown while writing a file on pdf_temp_folder
    • Logs for server_uncaught_exception and server_error are now organized in a dedicated folder, with daily log files being generated
    • Bug fix where HTML to PDF was not taking the backup temp folder into account when the main temp folder was full
    • Ability to detect mime type of template if not provided
    • Append and Prepend PDFs with passwords are now accepted, given the password is provided
    • More robust temp file cleaner
    • The images will be resized automatically for faster PDF conversion and minimal size


    • Visualization of requests per day, hour, minute, or second in a chart
    • Bug fix for unexpected WebEditor crash on JSON drop
    • Ability to drag and drop HEIC and HEIF files in append and prepend files region
    • Ability to edit configuration files through the WebEditor


    • Image will be resized by AOP for faster PDF conversion when the provided width and height are larger than the image's default width and height
    • Bug on character escaping in Interactive Grid export fixed
    • Bug fix for specific cases where bold tags were not being rendered correctly
    • Bug fix for specific sub-templates where styling was not being copied to the original document


    • Excel Pivot support
    • Bug fix: Excel would ask to repair the file when tags were used in the column of an Excel table
    • Bug fix: Excel would ask to repair the file when it contained different table parts


    • _preserve_tag_style option now available for hyperlink and auto-link tags


    • Support for new lines in PDF text insertion and watermark
    • Rotation parameter available for PDF watermark


    • Bug fix: If the image size is greater than the height width of the page, it resizes to the page's dimension
    • Bug fix: In case of undefined headers in the template, the HTML content header tag will take the AOP default header font size  

    Prepend/Append Files

    • Images that have rotation in EXIF metadata will now be automatically rotated

    AOP DA

    • Native Chart Support - Provide the static ID of a chart region, and AOP will transform your chart into a native Office Chart automatically!
    • Template Directive Support - If used in your HTML Expressions, AOP will recognize template directives and render them accordingly
    • New Output Type: AOE Template Builder.  Automatically output your template to APEX Office Edit for further editing and customization using the built-in Template Builder introduced in AOE v23.2


    • Improved error handling
    • Added a PL/SQL-only solution that uses UTL_HTTP instead of APEX_WEB_SERVICE behind the scenes, so even when Oracle APEX is not installed, AOP will work with that package.

    APEX Sample Applications

    • Sample applications were updated and split into five separate applications to make it easier to import
    • Getting started: Connecting to the AOP Server using the APEX Plug-ins and PL/SQL API.
    • Integration with APEX Components: Showcasing AOP with native APEX Components, such as Classic Reports, Interactive Reports, Interactive Grids, and more (use the 232 version for the latest version of APEX, or 192 for any previous version of APEX).
    • AOP Modal Plug-in: Download & Subscription Manager application showing how to use the AOP Modal plug-in, managing custom templates, and reporting scheduling.
    • AOP Features: Look at all the fantastic things AOP can do.  Various Word, Excel, PowerPoint, HTML, Text examples, batch printing, PL/SQL API samples, and interfacing with external data sources.
    • PDF Features: Examples of creating, editing, annotating, splitting, and merging PDFs. Plus, filling and reading forms, security, signature capability, and more!


  • The AOP Team 04-OCT-2023

    Version 23.1.1 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.



    • AOP 23.1.1 is compatible with Database 12.1 and higher and APEX 19.2 and higher (for APEX 18.1-19.1, we ship AOP 22.2.6).


    • The AOP Server is available for Windows and Linux (Red Hat / Oracle 8 and higher and Ubuntu 18.04 and higher).
    • Java 8 or higher is now required to install the AOP Server.

    AOP Server

    • Minor Bug fixes
    • Response time for getting printjob info increased to 15 secs from 10 secs.
    • Better error handling for signature.
    • AOP will now throw an error if the password for the signature is incorrect. Previously it would ignore and not insert the signature.
    • Bug fix for width of columns in HTML table in Word
    • Ability to add only row or column or both row and column in Word
    • Freeze row only(`data-aop-freeze-row`), column only(`data-aop-freeze-column`) or both row and column (`data-aop-freeze`) using HTML expression.
    • Ability to ignore check for QRCode Image repacement usinng `ignore_qrcode_replacement`


    • Added ability to force creating an Oracle APEX session by specifying the global variable g_force_create_apex_session
    • Fix name column identification for append and prepend files


  • The AOP Team 17-AUG-2023

    Version 23.1 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.



    • AOP 23.1 is compatible with APEX 19.2 and higher (for APEX 18.1-19.1, we ship AOP 22.2.6).


    • The AOP Server is available for Windows and Linux (Red Hat / Oracle 8 and higher and Ubuntu 18.04 and higher).
    • Java 8 or higher is now required to install the AOP Server.

    This new version of AOP is our best version ever! 

    AOP Server

    The AOP Server was re-architected, unlocking many new possibilities!

    • Security enhancements; all of our backend modules are updated
    • Performance enhancements when exporting an Interactive Report to Excel
    • Made the installation of Java required. The AOP instance won't run if Java is not available
    • Stability enhancements; the way AOP handles requests has completely changed, giving you the following improvements:
      • Ability to kill an active request
      • Ability to specify memory per request through the aop_config.jsonc file
      • Ability to specify a time limit for incoming requests through the aop_config.jsonc file
    • User-specific logs will now be created if log files are not accessible due to a permission issue
    • Added a new endpoint (/available_fonts) to get the list of available fonts that the AOP Server recognizes
    • Added support to zip a single file and provide a custom name for the output file
    • Added support for special Latin characters and Devanagari characters in tag names
    • Added a new argument (--generate_license_request_file) to generate a license request file even when the internet is available
    • Fixed spaces on QR sms
    • Fixed output to cloud handlers like Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, and Dropbox
    • Fixed issue that included -.. instead of (..) for number format mask with PT prefix

    The AOP Server is available for Windows and Linux (Red Hat / Oracle 8 and higher and Ubuntu 18.04 and higher).
    Java 8 or higher is now required to install the AOP Server.


    • Added a new region to enter the local location of a template
    • Ability to anonymize the data. It also provides an option to ignore specific keys while anonymizing
    • Ability to view the currently running tasks and the ability to terminate a specific task
    • Ability to get the list of available fonts in the system and preview them
    • Ability to check and download the AOP system configuration

    AOP Cloud

    • The Microsoft Office converter can only be used when running production credits. It's no longer available in development mode.
    • When running in development mode, the user's request is limited to 50MB
    • Currently, is running LibreOffice 6.4 as a converter. LibreOffice 7.4 is available when specifying the converter “libreoffice-next”.
      By the end of 2023, we plan to permanently switch the LibreOffice version to 7.4.
      The api-eu, api-us, api-apac URLs are already running LibreOffice 7.4.


    • Support for sub-templates with comments
    • Support for sub-templates with images
    • Support for sub-templates in the header and footer
    • Support for horizontal loop inside another loop
    • HEIC images are now converted to JPEG (because LibreOffice can not render HEIC images)
    • SVG URLs are now supported
    • Images before the sub-template tag are no longer removed
    • Added vertical alignment option for Interactive Report and Interactive Grid
    • Added a new option to provide the starting page number (using `output_page_number_start_at` as one of the output options)
    • `no_data_found_message` is printed when no data is provided in IR/IG
    • Ability to ignore specific HTML elements for IG and IR by adding the `data-aop-ignore` as an attribute in HTML expressions
    • Support for Interactive Grid with multiple HTML elements
    • Merged cells are considered while removing the columns of a table
    • Support for uncombined column headers when a column group is present
    • Text direction of HTML/Markdown content is taken from the globalization variables


    • Added cell validation using `{validate tagName}`
    • Ability to delete sheets based on a condition using `{delete (condition)}`
    • Added hide column using `{hideColumn condition}` tag
    • Added hide row using `{hideRow condition}` tag
    • Added support for freeze pane option for Interactive Report and Interactive Grid when HTML is provided through HTML expressions
    • Updated the logic to calculate cell height
    • Added new option height_scaling, allowing you to change the cell height in case of inconsistency
      (ex: 1.5 or 150% would increase the evaluated cell height by 1.5 times)
    • SVG URLs are now supported
    • Added vertical alignment option for Interactive Report and Interactive Grid
    • Ability to loop through filtered and sorted records using {#filtered} and {#sorted} loop tags, respectively similar to docx template
    • Ability to match a sheet name
    • `no_data_found_message` is printed when no data is provided in IR/IG
    • Ability to ignore specific HTML elements for IG and IR by adding the `data-aop-ignore` as an attribute in HTML expression
    • Bug fix, an invalid XLSX no longer occurs when multiple IRs are in one sheet while the header with filter is on
    • Bug fix, a cell with multiple loops (conditional followed by nested loops) is handled correctly
    • Bug fix for misplaced and uncombined column group header when column group is applied in IG
    • Bug fix for starting an IG one line below the tag when a group is applied


    • SVG URLs are now supported


    • Ability to attach files to the PDF output
    • Ability to extract attachments from a PDF
    • Ability to insert barcodes to a PDF using `{|barcode_name}` tag


    • Support for rendering images through a URL
    • Attribute rendering is possible in all types of tag nodes


    • Support for rendering images through a URL
    • Support for rotation, height, and width manipulation of an image

    Prepend/Append Files

    • When an EML is passed as a prepend and append file, the attachments of the email will now also be included
    • Ability to specify the text on attachments of an EML file


    Our documentation received a complete overhaul, making it even easier for you to get the most out of AOP.

    Improved Oracle APEX Plug-ins

    Our new Oracle APEX plug-ins are compatible with Oracle APEX 19.2 and above. 

    AOP Modal 

    • Ability to define the output of a template, e.g., when an Excel template should only be outputted to Excel and not PDF.
    • Download and Subscription Manager application updated

    AOP DA

    • Native support to output to APEX Office Edit and PDF Region Pro
    • Changed Remote Debug to AOP Cloud debug, so it's more clear data is sent to our cloud
    • Support for new AOP Server features - see above - e.g. get_attachments
    • Ability to output to multiple inline regions by specifying a global variable


    • Added an additional package called aop_plsql_only_pkg which doesn't need Oracle APEX. REST requests are made with UTL_HTTP.
    • Added a convert_blob function to convert a file from one format to another
    • Oracle APEX Runtime-only install; run aop_db_pkg.sql and aop_modal_pkg.sql from the command line SQL

    AOP Sample Applications

    • All three Oracle APEX sample applications are updated with new examples.

    We recommend everyone update APEX Office Print to v23.1.

  • The AOP Team 06-JUN-2023

    Version 22.2.6 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.
    AOP 22.2.6 is compatible with APEX 18.x and higher. (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3, for APEX 5.1 we ship AOP 19.3.2)

    AOP Server

    • Fix backwards compatibility on convert plug-in


  • The AOP Team 01-JUN-2023

    Version 22.2.5 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.
    AOP 22.2.5 is compatible with APEX 18.x and higher. (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3, for APEX 5.1 we ship AOP 19.3.2)


    • Sub-templates will now use the specified start and end delimiters
    • Sub-templates issue with comments and images resolved
    • Style bug fix in Word HTML rendering


    • Fix for invalid xlsx output when pageBreak tag is used in development mode
    • Horizontal looping will remove the cell when false (matches previous behaviour)


    • Support for sub-templates in AOP_PLSQL_PKG

    APEX Plug-in

    • Support for Page items in Region Static Ids

    AOP Server

    • Check configuration available through /checkconfiguration
    • Service files for AOP updated for Windows OS
    • Updated dependencies / Security Updates


  • The AOP Team 17-APR-2023

    Version 22.2.4 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.
    AOP 22.2.4 is compatible with APEX 18.x and higher. (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3, for APEX 5.1 we ship AOP 19.3.2)


    • Bug fix for sheet loops when Excel tables were used.
    • Added support for Excel Units (eu) as width of cell in HTML expressions.
    • Added support for link attributes in Interactive Report.


    • Bug fix for SVG image.


    • HTML attribute rendering is possible, for instance, `<a href={link}>{link}</a>` would work.

    AOP Server

    • Added executed pre and post commands into logs.
    • Support for static methods like `parseInt`, `parseFloat`, `isNaN`, `isFinite` and other methods for number manipulation.
    • Bug fix while print logs were disabled
    • Added ability to specify exact TLS ciphers.
    • Ability to provide timeout for PDF operations as pdfbox_timeout in aop_config.jsonc.

    AOP Webeditor

    • Ability to select/drag and drop multiple files in prepend, append, sub-templates and file cache. 
    • Ability to load debug-JSON directly from support portal using json_source in URL parameter.
    • Fix on base64 decode.
    • Units conversion for size (mb/kb) and time (seconds/milliseconds) has been added in Logging Section.


  • The AOP Team 12-FEB-2023

    Version 22.2.3 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.
    AOP 22.2.3 is compatible with APEX 18.x and higher. (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3, for APEX 5.1 we ship AOP 19.3.2)

    APEX Plug-in

    • Added the ability to specify the PDF producer meta-tag of a PDF

    AOP Server

    • Added the ability to specify the PDF producer meta-tag of a PDF
    • Bug fix on table of content
    • Ability to hide current sheet
  • The AOP Team 02-FEB-2023

    Version 22.2.2 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.
    AOP 22.2.2 is compatible with APEX 18.x and higher. (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3, for APEX 5.1 we ship AOP 19.3.2)


    • Ability to generate output with `doc` extension.
    • Bug fix: When the sub-template was using custom numbering and the other numberings where not used, the style was getting mixed.
    • Html Content ( `{_htmlContent}` ): bug fix for empty html table with no rows.
    • Bug fix for table of content tag
      • preserving content before and after the tag is available.
      • consider combination of both dynamic and static heading of word while generating table of contents.


    • Ability to generate output with `xls` extension.
    • Added a new feature to hide sheets in excel using hide tag as (`{hide condition}`).
    • Barcodes/Image insertion optimised.
    • Cell level highlight have now priority over row level highlight in IR.


    • Ability to generate output with `ppt` extension.
    • Added a new feature to hide slides in pptx using hide tag as (`{hide condition}`).

    APEX Plug-in

    • Added quick picks for output type.
    • Ability to select doc, xls and ppt as output type.

    AOP Server

    • Optimisation on |break filter.
  • The AOP Team 17-JAN-2023

    Version 22.2.1 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.
    AOP 22.2 is compatible with APEX 18.x and higher. (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3, for APEX 5.1 we ship AOP 19.3.2)

    APEX Plug-in

    • Fixed the screenshot mechanism 
  • The AOP Team 29-DEC-2022

    Version 22.2 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.
    AOP 22.2 is compatible with APEX 18.x and higher. (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3, for APEX 5.1 we ship AOP 19.3.2)

    This new version of AOP is packed with enhancements and a brand new WebEditor which will make it easy to test all the cool features of AOP! 

    APEX Plug-in

    • Fixed the infinitive spinning wheel when a session state protected item was specified in Affected Elements.
    • The full log is now specified in APEX debug when an error appears.
    • Ability to disable a button and add a spinning icon in it.
    • Ability to specify a custom spinner and overlay when you are waiting for AOP to return the result.
    • The overlay will prevent people from doing other actions on the page.
    • Removed dependency on APEX_IR.GET_REPORT for newer APEX releases.
    • Removed dependency on APEX_APPL_USER_INTERFACES as that view became deprecated.
    • Download inline gives now the possibility to download with the correct name.
    • Fix IG Master/Detail.


    • New global variables added to support new features.

    AOP Sample App

    • Fixed the PrintJS example in the AOP Sample.
    • Added new examples.


    • "_distribute" can be used with horizontal loop tag either to inherit width or divide width equally within the available space.
    • Ability to copy the content of a word document to another using `{?embed documentName}` tag.
    • Ability to rescale large image to fit the page if dynamic dimensions are not provided.
    • Html Content)( `{_htmlContent}` )
    • Html table width limit; can not be larger than page itself.
    • Cell margin inside html table is now rendered but can also be ignored using `_ignore_cell_margin` for margins of cell. Default is false.
    • Taken a case where there is a table inside another table to calculate the total width of the table.
    • Many other bug fixes and optimization for html content.
    • Support for rowspan in html table.
    • Nested loop that does not have any value is now ignored instead of empty paragraph.
    • Bug fix and optimization for table of contents.
    • Bug fix for subtemplate with link in it.
    • Ability to specify created and modified date in Word output.
    • Added a new loop type that ignores the loops resulting empty paragraph. Usage (`{#loop?} ... {/loop}`)


    • In chart templating, ability to accept column as an array(`[2,3,4,5]`) or as an object of an array(`[ { "value" : 2 },{ "value" : 3 },{ "value" : 4 },{ "value" : 5 }]`)
    • Ability to insert pptx, word, xlsx or pdf in excel documents using `{?insert file}`. Dynamic icon and its position can be provided.
    • Bug fix for dynamic width of column and dynamic height of row.
    • Bug fix when the tags after reports tags were pushed down correctly.


    • Added hide slide option for slides. Set `tagName_hide` to `true`.
    • Bug Fix: Notes of a slide are preserved.
    • Ability to specify created and modified date in Powerpoint output.
    • Bug fix for windows slides loop together with chart templating.


    • `tagName_use_tag_style` is now supported in md.


    • Added the possibility to provide a private key password if it is different from the certificate password
    • Bug fix on signing, while reading alias from a certificate chain.
    • Ability to ignore errors while prepending/Appending files.
    • Using openoffice as converter, we can specify `jpeg compression`, `image resolution`, `locale`, `pdf/a` as parameters.
    • Bug fix on adding watermark on PDF conversion.


    You will love our all new WebEditor. It doesn't only look better, but it has many new features:

    • Ability to change Timezone for logs.
    • Implementation of Grid for logging instead of table that can sort, filter and hide columns.
    • Ability to query supported template type, sub-template type, prepend type, available soffice and officetopdf versions and server statistics.
    • Server Errors, Print jobs and Network logs can be directly accessed from the WebEditor.
    • Option to verify, renew and invalidate Hash.
    • Ability to check the status of ipp printer using IPP Check option.
    • Addition of "More Options Tab" that provides pdf, output, logging and ipp options.
    • Base64 Encoder and Decoder.
    • Ability to handle large size json.
    • Drag Drop and Click to load JSON, template and other files.


    • SVG image url is now supported.
    • Ability to evaluate the total length of loop using `loop_lengths` array.
    • In chart templating, one column data can used as the text for another column using (column_TEXT).
    • Dynamic resource timeout in configuration. Time to wait until resource is found. 
    • Bug fix for filename as number.
    • Bug fix for when md tag value was numeric.
    • Bug fix for when pdf_temp_folder value was only disk name for windows.
    • Bug fix: SFTP connections are now closed properly after the output is saved.


    • Documentation Updates.

    Behavioural Changes (!)

    • Prepend/Append Images: previous versions used to place the prepend and append images in a4 page size, this behaviour is modified and the pages will have the dimension of image itself.
    • If a4 size is wished, then it should be provided through output -> output_page_format option. (or page_height and page_width for custom height/width).
    • Word image tag: If the inserted image width/height exceeds the available space in Word, the image will be rescaled to the available space when the height and width info is not provided.


    AOP Cloud

    Oracle Cloud

    • There is now a Marketplace image available, so you get an OCI compute in 1-click with AOP pre-configured and running.
      The only thing you have to do is activate the license, and you are up-and-running. No manual install needed anymore.

    Using other technologies and want to use AOP? 
    Check out and find SDKs for JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, Java and .Net.


  • The AOP Team 07-SEP-2022

    Version 22.1.10 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.
    AOP 22.1.10 is compatible with APEX 18.x and higher. (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3, for APEX 5.1 we ship AOP 19.3.2)


    • Better HTML conversion to native styling
    • HTML case insensitive <br> tag
    • HTML new options for styling ordered list
    • HTML table will now use the indentation from tag when _use_tag_style option is enabled


    • New feature: ability to protect sheets with {protect tag}

    APEX Plug-in

    • Added support for the Cards Region
    • Combination of global variables with IR/IG print settings possible


    • When the points in charts have null or undefined value, the value will now be treated as missing value instead of 0
    • Better SVG to PNG conversion
    • IP white listing now works when the ipv4 is provided with ipv6 format (by adding ::ffff:)
    • Logging page will show the error log for async post requests too
    • Updated documentation


  • The AOP Team 01-AUG-2022

    Version 22.1.9 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.
    AOP 22.1.9 is compatible with APEX 18.x and higher. (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3, for APEX 5.1 we ship AOP 19.3.2)

    AOP Server

    • Fix for content type detection
  • The AOP Team 28-JUL-2022

    Version 22.1.8 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.
    AOP 22.1.8 is compatible with APEX 18.x and higher. (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3, for APEX 5.1 we ship AOP 19.3.2)

    APEX Plug-in

    • Improve performance of initial load of the AOP dynamic action plug-in (cache cursor fix)
    • Added AOP Mode (Dev / Prod) to Modal plug-in
    • Added extra check that start date can't be in the past when scheduling through the AOP Modal plug-in 


    • Hyperlink from sub-templates now working
    • Ability to update table of contents (aop_api_pkg.g_update_toc := true;)


    • Ability to specify option to repeat the header on Interactive Grid break
    • Ability to define the font and background color of a break in IR/IG
    • Fix highlight bug on date columns in Interactive Report

    AOP Server

    • Ability to specify libreoffice-marco as converter which will update the table of contents and converts to PDF
    • Ability to specify CSV files in prepend and append type
    • Fix for prepend and append of JPEG images
    • Filetype detection for prepend and append files


  • The AOP Team 04-JUN-2022

    Version 22.1.7 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.
    AOP 22.1.7 is compatible with APEX 18.x and higher. (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3, for APEX 5.1 we ship AOP 19.3.2)

    This release mainly fixes some issues in the AOP Server.


    • Bug fix for style tag when no font color was specified, the font color would default to red.


    • IR ability to hide from the export (for example when you have checkboxes in the page and would like to hide this in export). Use data-aop-exclude-column="true" in HTML expression.
    • IR column width bug fixed, this would resize all the columns if they were changed from default.
    • Bug fix on HTML IR/IG export when HTML_EXPRESSION was used and no text was given for some html entities.
    • Fixed that some template with non chronological relationship id was creating a corrupted file.


    • AOP will fallback to preprovided font when the given characters in form value have no gylph in the specified font.


  • The AOP Team 26-MAY-2022

    Version 22.1.6 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.
    AOP 22.1.6 is compatible with APEX 18.x and higher. (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3, for APEX 5.1 we ship AOP 19.3.2)

    This release mainly fixes some issues in the AOP Server.


    • Bug fix when an extra empty page would be added when there were multiple sections in the document.

    APEX Dynamic Action Plug-in

    • Added APEX Office Edit as output type and improved integration.


    • Function added to get the icon of a mime-type.
    • Improved error message and proposed solution already in error message.
    • Updated documentation.

    AOP Server

    • Ability to specify typeof filter which will return the typeof the data (string, boolean, number).
  • The AOP Team 12-MAY-2022

    Version 22.1.5 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.
    AOP 22.1.5 is compatible with APEX 18.x and higher. (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3, for APEX 5.1 we ship AOP 19.3.2)

    This release mainly fixes some issues in the AOP Server.


    • Sub-templates modules can now call other sub-templates (max number of sub-templates depth is 10).
    • Breaking Visual Change: Word sub-templates used to leave extra paragraph before and after. This is now not the case. If you require extra paragraph please introduce this in the template.
    • HTTPS compilation issue fixed.
    • Bug fix for when loops where not inside the fist and last column.


    • Ability to specify max lines in IR export.


  • The AOP Team 06-MAY-2022

    Version 22.1.2 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.
    AOP 22.1.2 is compatible with APEX 18.x and higher. (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3, for APEX 5.1 we ship AOP 19.3.2)

    This release mainly fixes some issues in the AOP Server.

    AOP Server Bug fixes:

    • Fix on form filling, when specific forms were not getting rendered while opening.
    • Fix of margin change on multiple sections when no header and footer was provided.

    APEX DA Plug-in:

    • Fix of no-data-found when multiple screenshots of regions were requested without specifying max-width and height.


    • Fix for regression on ≥32K SQL support due to invalid debug statement.
  • The AOP Team 29-APR-2022

    Version 22.1 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.
    AOP 22.1 is compatible with APEX 18.x and higher. (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3, for APEX 5.1 we ship AOP 19.3.2)


    • Interactive Grid, sequence changed when the display sequence was the same for columns.
    • Interactive Grid, break now behaves as it does on screen in APEX
    • Interactive Grid, Attribute Type (like HTML, MARKDOWN, PLAIN) of break data is handled as in APEX.
    • PDF Signature generation tag added when the output type is PDF.
    • Auto link tag added {*auto <tag>} - AOP will detect the links in your text and automatically create hyperlinks for them.


    • Interactive Grid, sequence changed when the display sequence was the same for columns.
    • Interactive Grid, break now behaves as it does on screen in APEX
    • Interactive Grid, Attribute Type (like HTML, MARKDOWN, PLAIN) of break data is handled as in APEX.
    • Ability to specify width using data-aop-width in the IR export.
    • Bug fix: Titles were not getting repeated when cloning the sheets.
    • Auto link tag added {*auto <tag>} - AOP will detect the links in your text and automatically create hyperlinks for them.


    • Auto link tag added {*auto <tag>}  - AOP will detect the links in your text and automatically create hyperlinks for them.
    • {!slidesloop::slidesloop1} Added feature to repeat slides for multi hierarchical arrays. e.g: {!orders::product}, one slide per product and per orders.


    • Enhanced PDF signing and form filling.
    • E-mails to PDF conversion: EML and MSG format support.


    • Ability to query the number of instances and number of conversions currently happening
    • Template Cache extension
    • Ability to renew cache without sending a print request using /renew_template_hash path.
    • Ability to invalidate cached templates using /invalidate_template_hash path.
    • Verify template hash will now return the expiry date and time.
    • You can now access error logs through different endpoints.
    • /server_errors endpoint will now return the server error logs.
    • /server_printjobs endpoint will now return the print job error logs.
    • /network_logs endpoint will return the network error logs.
    • Ability to save the incoming requests to a file via the configuration file.
    • New output properties added:
    • output_polling - lets users get the output file through a generated link once the processing is complete.
    • request_option - allows you to send your output file to an external web service URL via a POST request after AOP has completed processing the file.
    • The file can be downloaded from the server using the '/download' endpoint.
    • Ability to attach files into output PDF with or without icons.
    • SFTP support for templates, images, subtemplates, etc.
    • Support for image type 'webp' on template data, prepend files and append files.
    • Bug fix on ipwhitelist setting.
    • Bug fix: PDF output watermark opacity will now work when watermark color is not specified
    • Bug fix: Saving to a local directory no longer gives an error due to logging issues.
    • Ability to specify the signature field used to sign the output pdf, ability to specify a background image for the pdf signature inserted.
    • Aspect ratio of images is taken into account with the "imagekey_maintain_aspect_ratio" parameter.
    • Initial support for RTL in AOP Report export.
    • The PDF Split feature will now return pages in the correct order.


    • Option g_override_html_expr_on_null added for overriding the HTML expression when the column value is null.
    • Added the ability to output asynchronously and to an external web service.


    • Documentation Updates


    Using other technologies and want to use AOP? 
    Check out and find SDKs for JavaScript, TypeScript, Python and Java. .Net is coming very soon too.


  • The AOP Team 23-FEB-2022

    Version 22.0.5 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.
    AOP 22.0.5 is compatible with APEX 18.x and higher. (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3, for APEX 5.1 we ship AOP 19.3.2)

    This is a minor release and mainly fixes some issues in the AOP Server.
    The PL/SQL API is still on version 21.2.2.

    AOP Server enhancements

    Performance boost for excel templates while exporting big set of records. (50k+ rows)

    Compatibility with Cloud Office Print

    Bug fixes:

    • Excel styling bug when using {cell_marktup_style$} tag
    • AOP image caching bug, qr code/barcode with same data would always return same type of qr code/barcode
    • AOPChart will now handle array chart data (necessary while performing select statement in APEX)
    • Bug on cloning repeating rows/columns while using sheet repeat tag.
    • Ability to override HTML expression with - in Excel IR
    • Ability to specify wrap text and width for a column in Excel IR
  • The AOP Team 21-JAN-2022

    Version 22.0.1 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.
    AOP 22.0.1 is compatible with APEX 18.x and higher. (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3, for APEX 5.1 we ship AOP 19.3.2)

    This is a minor release and mainly fixes some issues in the AOP Server.
    The PL/SQL API is still on version 21.2.2.

    AOP Server

    • AOP hooks bug where a .json file was required fixed
    • pageHeight and pageWidth can be specified in pdf text insertion
    • ability to specify word wrap and width for IR columns in Excel
    • Performance enhancement for Excel export

    AOP Modal plug-in

    • AOP Modal plug-in will send HTML email instead of text email


  • The AOP Team 13-DEC-2021

    Version 21.2.2 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.
    AOP 21.2 is compatible with APEX 18.x and higher. (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3, for APEX 5.1 we ship AOP 19.3.2)

    Word Template

    • HTML content will handle transparent, inherit and initial as background, instead of blacking out the cells

    HTML Template

    • bug on spaces being replaced by nbsp fixed

    AOP Server

    • output_page_width and output_page_height will now be accepted on top of page_width and page_height option
    • do not show again text in the WebEditor is now clickable


    • output watermark bug fixed


  • The AOP Team 29-NOV-2021

    Version 21.2.1 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.
    AOP 21.2 is compatible with APEX 18.x and higher. (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3, for APEX 5.1 we ship AOP 19.3.2)


    • {_html} tag now supports "start" attribute for ol.
    • Section info bug while inside loop fixed.


    • {_html} tag will now support input element with radio and checkbox type.
    • html ol now supports "start" attribute.
    • Bug fix on IR highlight when the column was > Z.
    • Ability to specify simple tags in file properties like author/summary fields.
    • Ability to just simple tags in sheet name itself.


    • Encoding issue on non-ascii characters fixed.

    AOP Server/ Global

    • Walkthrough added for web editor.
    • Web editor Drag and drop fix for firefox.
    • Web editor will now properly decode non ascii characters.
    • PDF forms will now retain the number formats.


    • No changes

    APEX Plug-in

    • No changes in DA, Process and Convert plug-in
    • Fixed issue in the AOP Modal Dialog plug-in with Classic Reports in APEX 21.2

    APEX Sample App

    • No changes

    APEX Media Extension

    • Uptake of AME 21.2 in AOP Gold
  • The AOP Team 02-NOV-2021

    Version 21.2 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.
    AOP 21.2 is compatible with APEX 18.x and higher. (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3, for APEX 5.1 we ship AOP 19.3.2)


    • New link and target tag added to link from one place to another within the same document.
    • IR average pivot will now be rounded to 3 numbers after decimal separator.
    • Looping over floating items, such as, text boxes, is now supported.
    • Bug fix on calendar report export: Invalid characters are now removed or escaped.
    • Bug fix on aopchart module: An invalid document is no longer generated when nested loops are present.
    • Bug fix for label merging: All labels should now be merged without being skipped.
    • Bug fix on sections: Section info will now be retained when another section is removed due to a condition.


    • IR average pivot will now be rounded to 3 numbers after the decimal separator.
    • Cell size is adjusted on classic reports, interactive reports and interactive grids on insertion of images.
    • New Tag: {freeze true} Ability to freeze x number of top rows and y number of left columns.
    • Bug fix on interactive grid export - when using between filter on dates, the date range will be inclusive.

    Native Charts Tag {$chart}

    • Bug fix: Native office charts will now remove the border when border is set to false.
    • Bug fix: {$chart} tag will now take the document theme into account. If no theme is present, random colors will be assigned.

    AOP Server/ Global

    • Ability to change start and end delimiters of tags to { } (default), {{ }}, << >>, < >.
    • Ability to cache your template, AOP will return a hash to use next time as template_hash in the header.
    • Ability to specify opacity, color, font and size for PDF watermark.
    • Ability to test ipp printer using --ippurl , --ippversion and --ipp_test
    • Ability to specify pfx file and password for pdf signing.
    • Ability to check ipp printer through /ippcheck endpoint. e.g: http://localhost:8010/ippcheck?ipp_url=http://localhost:3000&version=1.1
    • Ability to send EML files as prepended and appended files.
    • Ability to prepend and append a file after each page of the output of a template. Useful for terms and conditions on duplex printing.
    • Ability to remove the last page. This can be useful when using page break where last page might be empty.
    • On-prem AOP server will no longer check for MAC address
    • AOP Server will now regularly clean up files left by previous instances.
    • Comments have been added to the AOP configuration file.
    • Format mask support has been added for PT (similar to PR).
    • Ability to provide a mathematical expression for summation, average, min or max inside a loop. For example:
    • More timing info will be logged (conversion, appending, prepending, inserting pdf images, and so on.)
    • Count tags function now available for docx, pptx, xlsx, md, csv, text and html.
    • Bug fix: During multi-level breaking, elements with one item are no longer ignored.
    • Bug fix: Date formatting will now take the case of month into account.


    • Ability to specify a watermark with opacity, width, height, and rotation.
    • Ability to specify RTF as output.
    • Ability to specify JSON as output.

    APEX Plug-in

    • Native support for APEX Maps
    • The AOP Modal Dialog plug-in supporting objects are now available in a file without the need to install the supporting application

    APEX Sample App

    • Updated with new examples.

    Breaking Change/ Change in default behavior

    • Server will by default disable the status page. This can be enabled by either giving the --enablestatuspage argument or changing the configuration to enablestatuspage to true.
  • The AOP Team 04-JUL-2021

    Version 21.1.2 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.
    AOP 21.1 is compatible with APEX 18.x and higher. (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3, for APEX 5.1 we ship AOP 19.3.2)


    • added global variables for output_text_delimiter, output_field_separator, output_character_set
    • fix so spaces in IG saved reports can also be taken
    • ability to specify substitution strings in the format mask

    APEX Process Plug-in

    • fix ability to debug

    AOP Modal

    • ability to include the email form in a custom tile
    • information is now added to the AOP_OUTPUTTO collection, which can be used in a custom procedure
    • improved timezone support
    • fixed default template issue

    AOP Sample Apps

    • fixed 11g and 12.1 database compatibility issue
    • added EMAIL_FROM to the AOP CONFIG table
    • PDF Tools has a new example how to print different regions and merge them together

    Excel - CSV

    • added parameters for output_text_delimiter, output_field_separator, output_character_set
    • width and height calculator will now take new lines into account

    AOP Server

    • ability to specify an access token when fetching the logs
    • ability to specify text delimiter, field separator, and character set encoding while converting from Excel to CSV
    • fixed visibility of inserted chart data sheet, now all chart data sheets are hidden
    • offset bug in barcode/image when same barcode/image was repeated
    • fixed CSV escape bug
    • AOP AME will now handle empty crop object
    • fixed HTML bug while querying existing style


    • fixed some typos
  • The AOP Team 30-MAY-2021

    Version 21.1.1 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.
    AOP 21.1 is compatible with APEX 18.x and higher. (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3, for APEX 5.1 we ship AOP 19.3.2


    • removed 32K limit on SQL statements.
    • added g_https_host for the hostname to be matched against the common name (CN) of the remote server's certificate for an HTTPS request
    • fix IG sorting and column groups
    • fix translated app
    • added some extra debugging
    • get_binds is now publicly available
    • APEX 21.1 compatibility
    • g_output_page_margin increased
    • added append and prepend files as parameter
    • fix compatibility DB 11.2

    AOP Modal

    • page items are saved which are submitted to the parameter table.
    • fix email from

    AOP Sample Apps

    • removed dependency on APEX Database Sample App. AOP uses now its own table for the samples.
    • added AOP_CONFIG table for the AOP URL and AOP API key, so it doesn't need to change in every app.
    • fixed some typos.


    • {_html} Word Tag:

      • Ability to specify _use_tag_style so that the tag style is taken as default for the <p> tag used to be Normal style defined in Word.
      • The paragraph tag in the HTML content can now contain ata-aop-word-style attribute to specify the style by name.
    • {cell_markup_tag$} Word:

      • You can now merge rows for a specific column if the next row has the same value for the given column.


    • Exif information provided in the image is taken into account while processing the image.
    • Ability to specify remote debug on on-prem versions, if the API key is filled you can send the JSON to AOP Support.
    • Ability to specify the max number of outgoing connections to a host for fetching resources like images.

    AOP Server

    • Ability to disable static ciphers when starting within HTTPS mode.
    • Unicode character issue in PDF forms fixed.
    • AME upgraded to 21.1 (HEIC input support/ rotation info taken from EXIF resource fetching for overlay optimized.);
  • The AOP Team 13-APR-2021

    Version 21.1 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.
    AOP 21.1 is compatible with APEX 18.x and higher. (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3, for APEX 5.1 we ship AOP 19.3.2

    New APEX Plug-in: APEX Office Print (AOP) Modal

    • The AOP Modal is the fastest way to present a dialog in which end-users can select the output they want.
    • Fully integrated with Classic Report, Interactive Report, and Interactive Grid.
    • End-users can select custom templates based on the report they are exporting.
    • Output to many different locations (browser, table, filesystem, email, Oracle Cloud, custom)
    • End-users have the ability to schedule reports.
    • Reports can be run in the background.
    • You can further integrate the AOP Modal with the Plug-ins Pro Progress Bar Plug-in for an enhanced user experience.

    New AOP Download and Subscription Application

    • This application supports the new AOP Modal Plug-in
    • Upload custom templates for your reports that will be available to your users via the AOP Modal.
    • Use the built-in Quick Template Changer to build and enhance your templates faster quickly and easily.
    • Monitor the usage of the AOP Modal plug-in, its schedules, and background jobs.

    APEX Plug-in

    • You can now export multiple regions (IR/IG/Classic report) in a single AOP Report.

    AOP Report

    • You can now export multiple regions (IR/IG/Classic report) in a single AOP Report.
    • Bugfix: Filter text will now display correctly when based on a LOV column.
    • Support had been added for the 'sum' display text in classic reports.
    • {&interactive} and {&interactive_1} tags are now both accepted.

    QR Codes

    • QR codes can now contain a logo in the center of the QR code, background images, and have more color options.
    • You can now create QR Codes of the following types: WIFI, Telephone Number, E-mail, SMS, URL, vCard, MeCard, GeoLocation, and Events


    • You can now specify the opacity/transparency of an image using key_image_transparancy.


    • Bugfix: Invalid characters will now be escaped in the title and name of a chart.

    Mathematical Operations

    • |sum, |max, |min, and |avg: You can now use these operations in multiple depths.


    • BREAKING/Enhancement: Mail merge/ Label merging will now remove empty lines.
    • {_html} tag:
      • You can now specify the style of a (un)ordered list.
      • AOP will now try to determine the heading styles for h2 - h7 when no style is found in the template.
    • Bug fixes:
      • AOP Trial watermark will no longer generate a corrupted Word document.
      • The table of contents will now display the appropriate level of headings.
      • Using {aopchart ...} after a loop will no longer create a corrupted Word document.
    • {_mdtag_} will now merge the styles of the tag.


    • AOP will now auto-detect date data and convert it to native Excel when the template cell contains date formatting.
    • {_html} tag has been added for Excel. You will now be able to export HTML contents into Excel.
    • HTML elements in IR/IG/CR export will now be rendered instead of being displayed as text.
    • IR/IG/CR pivot/aggregates are now styled accordingly.
    • You can now specify an offset from an image and barcode tag.
    • Bugfix: Image tags will now work properly when using the sheet loop tag.
    • You now have the ability to export larger amounts of data.


    • BREAKING Change - By default, AOP will no longer perform a STOP APEX Engine after processing has completed.  This will affect any call to AOP in page processing, after submit, with an output type of 'Browser'  (using the AOP Process plug-in or in your own custom process).  These types of processes are not recommended on page submit and should be switched, instead, to run as a Before Header Process.  If necessary, the default can be changed by setting aop_api_pkg.g_stop_apex_engine := 'Y' in your process or changing the value in the aop_api21_pkg (g_stop_apex_engine  varchar2(1)   := c_y; ).
    • Support has been added for the new APEX 21.1 pjson syntax
    • We've enhanced our error messaging to provide a more descriptive error and fixes for known errors.
    • You can now use the static id or region id of APEX reports as a region source.
    • Your template source can now be a base64 clob.
    • Files from Oracle Cloud (Object Storage) can now be used as a template source.
    • Report Highlights and filters are now passed in the JSON to AOP and can now be referenced in the template.
    • We've added the ability to ignore invalid media through a global variable.
    • AOP will now grab all page items in the specified source regions automatically so that they can be referenced in the template without the need to use the g_apex_items global variable.
    • You can now show a PDF inline and call a procedure.
    • Improved support for translated applications.
    • Fixes on Interactive Grid rendering.


    • The server will now log the requests on a per-day basis. The maximum number of days the log will save is now configurable.
    • PDF conversion has been optimized. The server will identify duplicate pdf conversion requests and combine them into one.
    • You now have the ability to disable idle LibreOffice converters.
    • A network log has been added and all of the incoming HTTP requests are now logged. One log entry is created when a request is received, another when the received request ends.
    • Curly quotes are now accepted in Word and PowerPoint tags.
    • The AOP server will now add User-Agent in its outgoing request. (eg: apexofficeprint/20.1)
    • You now have the ability to specify a max preconversion size for better resource management.
  • The AOP Team 18-NOV-2020

    Version 20.3.1 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the download section.
    AOP 20.3.1 is compatible with APEX 18.x and higher. (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3, for APEX 5.1 we ship AOP 19.3.2)

    This release contains the following changes:

    • HTTPS certificate issue fixed
    • Interactive Grid alternative label support: set in aop_api_pkg the global variable g_ig_use_alternative_label to 'Y' to tell AOP to use the alternative label if defined for a column in the Interactive Grid
  • The AOP Team 15-NOV-2020

    Version 20.3 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.
    AOP 20.3 is compatible with APEX 18.x and higher. (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3, for APEX 5.1 we ship AOP 19.3.2

    APEX 20.2

    • Support for APEX 20.2
    • Introduction of APEX Report, which will use the native functionality of APEX 20.2 to generate an Excel and PDF. Note that only 1 report at a time can be generated with this. Behind the scenes AOP uses the new APEX_DATA_EXPORT API. An alternative is to use AOP Report, AOP's own implementation, which also supports HTML expressions, which has existed for APEX 5.1 and above.

    SDK for Python environment

    • Use AOP easily from Python! Click the link for the SDK and the Docs.

    New Sample Applications

    • Added new samples to the AOP Sample App.
    • The new Report Scheduler APEX app allows end users to schedule reports and receive them at specific times and intervals.
    • The new PDF Tools sample app showcases all features revolving around the creating and manipulating PDFs in AOP.


    • {_htmltag} :
      • support added for more elements (blockquote, q, dfn)
      • thead and tfoot inside table are now taken into account
    • {_mdcontent_}: Support for markdown content added similar to html tag, (starts and ends with underscore).
    • New style tag for dynamic font change and styling: {style key}
    • Support for ODT output added.
    • Bug fixed in the subtemplate module: Bookmarks in the subtemplate will now be rendered.


    • Template Generation: The reports will now be below the loop tags. This enables the generated template to be fed to AOP without modification.
    • Relative Formula: The output document would need to be repaired when the relative formula was used inside a loop. Since AOP 20.3 this is not necessary anymore.
    • Sheet name: The sheet names are now checked for validity. Max 31 characters and invalid characters are removed.
    • Sheet loop: When the sheet loop tag was used, all sheets were selected. To modify, a single sheet needed to be selected first. Now only one sheet is selected.
    • Excel files generated with Numbers: the styling for background, font color, border colors, etc. were getting ignored by LibreOffice. AOP now changes these styles to one that LibreOffice understands. This is necessary for PDF conversion.
    • Support for ODS output added.
    • Print Area if specified will now auto expand to include the last column and row.
    • Performance enhancements for large Interactive Grid exports.
    • Bug fixed for the sheet loop tags in sheets that have Excel tables in them.
    • New tag {##static_condition} added. Similar to data loop but the content of the cursor has a fixed area to fill. The rows below the loop won't be pushed up or down when the condition fails or the size of the data does not fill the compelete area.


    • New style tag for dynamic font change and styling: {style key}
    • Support for ODT output added.
    • Template Generation enhancements


    • New PDF engine to add signature
    • Create fillable form fields with the new {?form_tag}. Create text boxes, radio buttons, radio lists, and checkboxes by providing the appropriate options for the type of item you wish to create.
    • Identify the form fields of an existing PDF. AOP will output the PDF with the names it has used to identify the field written on the document.
    • Advanced PDF features (PDF form creation, PDF form filling, reading & querying PDF forms, signing PDFs, and locking/flattening PDFs) are only available with On-premises Gold & Enterprise Licenses or any Cloud subscription.

    CSV, MD, TXT

    • Bug Fix: Large numbers were getting replaced as empty text.

    AOP Template

    • Template generation improved for Word, PowerPoint, and Excel files. The templates will now contain more explanation.

    {aopchart} Tag

    • You can provide a chart in the template and mark it with a preceding {aopchart chartData}. AOP will use the data passed in via chartData to populate the data in the chart.

    {$chart} Chart Enhancements

    • Additional styling options added: backgroundColor, roundedCorners, titleStyles, title rotation ... see documentation for all the new features.
    • Line Chart:
      • Ability to specify colors for individual lines
      • Ability to specify line style
    • Pie / Doughnut / Radar / Area Chart:
      • Ability to specify color per slice / series.

    {%image_tag} Enhancements

    • The width and height information can now be provided in px (default), in, cm, pt, and em.
    • Optimization done for Word, PowerPoint and Excel when the same image is used in multiple places, resulting in a smaller file.

    APEX Region Reference

    • Use the P#StaticID syntax to reference regions (classic report, interactive report, interactive grid, etc.) from other pages. E.g. to reference a classic report with static id c1 on page 100, use P100#c1

    Prepend and Append files

    • Support added for pre 2007 formats (doc, ppt, and xls)
    • Support added for OpenDocument formats (ods, odp and odt)

    Interactive Report

    • Ability to specify the report id, instead of alias, so private reports can be referenced too.

    Interactive Grid

    • Fixed display sequence
    • Fix an issue in finding the correct report with translated apps

    APEX Plug-in

    • As template type and data type you can specify None at times when you just want to do PDF manipulation or convert files. This is an alternative to the convert APEX plug-in.
    • Added output to procedure and inline combination.


    • 10x faster PDF conversions for smaller files.
    • Restarting instances: Previously the instance would keep getting restarted if there was an error on startup. AOP will now check if the restart happens within a given time interval.
    • --reactivate option added: This option will look for an existing license file and reactivate reading the email from this file.
    • --activate option: Previously this would have been ignored even if the existing license file was invalid. Now this option is ignored only when there is a valid license file.
    • AOP Trial watermark now appears on every page if running the on-prem version in trial mode.
    • Endpoint added to query supported MIME types and supported output type for given MIME type.
    • Server will now exit gracefully if it cannot detect the machine id.
    • New output type added: meta_data, this will return the meta data info about the template. Currently supports Word/PowerPoint and Excel templates.

    Web Editor

    • Now gives an error message when the dropped JSON is invalid.
    • Default MD sample was producing an error when handling a barcode. The barcode data has been fixed.
    • The output file was not getting downloaded in iOS browsers and IE, now fixed.
    • A Meta-data export button has been added. This provides simple meta-data info for Word, PowerPoint and Excel.

    Breaking changes

    • When exporting numbers with an accuracy of > 15 characters, previous versions of AOP would guarantee the accuracy until 15 characters. However, you could perform mathematical operations on them (like {n1 + n2}). From AOP 20.3 onwards these numbers will retain their full accuracy and will be treated as strings. Performing addition on these numbers will concatenate the numbers together. The workaround is to explicitly cast to a number by subtracting 0 from it or rounding the number before passing it to AOP.
  • The AOP Team 03-AUG-2020

    Version 20.2.1 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the download section.
    AOP 20.2.1 is compatible with APEX 18.x and higher. (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3, for APEX 5.1 we ship AOP 19.3.2)

    This release contains mostly bug fixes:

    • Word/Excel: Group By (IR) bug fixed:
      when the first row was missing data for a column, the column was not being shown
    • Word/Excel: Filter & Highlight bug fixed:
      floating point number allowed now and highlight and column styling will be merged
    • Powerpoint: Fixed slides looping on group filter
    • PDF Signature: AOP will automatically add a signature field 


  • The AOP Team 16-JUL-2020

    APEX Office Print (AOP) version 20.2 is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.
    AOP 20.2 is compatible with APEX 18.x and higher. (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3, for APEX 5.1 we ship AOP 19.3.2)

    PDF Form Filling

    Do you currently spend too much time filling in forms in PDF documents?  Now, AOP can do that for you!  Simply provide your existing PDF form to AOP along with your data and we'll handle the rest.  No more tedious, repetitive typing!  As an added bonus, when you pass a PDF from to AOP, it can even tell you what fillable fields exist within the document. 

    PDF Signing

    Initial support for PDF signature. It is now possible to sign a PDF that contains a signature field. Signatures are cryptographically bound and secure.

    Column Breaks

    No need to organize your data by a specific column through your query, AOP can do that for you! You can now create column breaks in your output by simply setting up the desired format in your template using the break filter, for example, {#products|break:“CATEGORY”}

    Additional features & enhancements:

    • Ability to enter region id instead of static id of report (makes AOP work with the Data Reporter Packaged App)
    • Support for alt text for images
    • Charts can now be used in sub-templates
    • Word HTML tag now supports different types of lists (a., A., I., and so on)
    • Native Office Charts will now handle null values as null instead of 0
    • Word: {background$} tag will also take the width of a cell into account, which allows you to create complete dynamic tables
    • Loop filter: you can now repeat the contents between loop tags for x times e.g. write x: tag, 5 times: {#5|loop} x: {tag} {/5|loop}

    This release contains the following bug fixes:

    • Doughnut chart, area chart, and pie chart save issue fixed
    • Excel issue: duplicates of an angular expression were not getting removed
    • Word HTML tag: style was being ignored
    • Report export is now compatible with numbers > 15 characters
    • Barcode in PDF are now shown sharper when the height are small

    Note: reactivation of license is necessary for all licenses older than AOP 20.1

  • The AOP Team 19-MAY-2020

    Version 20.1.4 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the download section.
    AOP 20.1.4 is compatible with APEX 18.x and higher. (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3, for APEX 5.1 we ship AOP 19.3.2)

    This release contains the following enhancements:

    • Initial support for charts in sub-templates
    • PDF to Image will now generate sharper images
    • Word HTML module enhancements

    This release contains the following bug fixes:

    • PDF internal bookmark when merging fixed
    • Angular expression bug while calling object methods fixed

    AOP Server

    • Support added again for Oracle Linux 6 (separate download), with following limitations:
      • AME: only jimp as manipulator, not sharp
      • PDF2Image feature not available
  • The AOP Team 04-MAY-2020

    Version 20.1.3 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the download section.
    AOP 20.1.3 is compatible with APEX 18.x and higher. (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3, for APEX 5.1 we ship AOP 19.3.2)

    This release contains the following enhancements:

    • Support (re-)added for Angular Expressions
    • LOV support for IR/IG
    • Word HTML tag: individual border support
    • AOP PL/SQL API will retry to print when failed and use failover URL afterward

    This release contains the following bug fixes:

    • Interactive Report/Grid: grouping meta-data issue handled properly
    • Interactive Grid: Column setting "Include in export" now taken into account
    • QRCode generation when URL 
  • The AOP Team 16-APR-2020

    Version 20.1.2 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the download section.
    AOP 20.1.2 is compatible with APEX 18.x and higher. (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3, for APEX 5.1 we ship AOP 19.3.2)

    This release contains only bug fixes:

    • Fix row highlight on Interactive Grid
    • Fix group by aggregate
    • Fix issue with AME on Windows
    • AOP PL/SQL API will retry when Bad Gateway is received
    • The aop_log_pkg will now also save the JSON


  • The AOP Team 08-APR-2020

    Version 20.1.1 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the download section.
    AOP 20.1.1 is compatible with APEX 18.x and higher. (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3, for APEX 5.1 we ship AOP 19.3.2)

    This release contains only bug fixes:

    • Excel: fix an issue when big numbers were used
    • Excel: angular expressions issue fixed
    • When conditions were used for columns in an APEX IR/IG it's now taken into account correctly
  • The AOP Team 02-APR-2020

    Version 20.1 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.
    AOP 20.1 is compatible with APEX 18.x and higher. (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3, for APEX 5.1 we ship AOP 19.3.2)

    AOP integration in APEX 20.1

    It's now even easier to use AOP in APEX 20.1. Simply specify APEX Office Print as your print server for your entire APEX Instance in Instance Settings. ORDS and APEX deprecated the native XSL-FO printing, but with APEX 20.1 you can use AOP as a replacement. APEX will use AOP to print native classic and interactive reports.

    Note that In case you want to use AOP with your own template, or you want to use the more advanced features AOP provides (like highlights, groupings etc.), you still need to use the AOP Plug-in. In APEX 20.2 more AOP integration is planned.

    APEX Media Extension (AME) as part of AOP Gold and Enterprise On-premises Licenses

    Our newest product allows you to manipulate images in the Oracle database. With AOP Gold and Enterprise on-premises versions, AME is now included with no additional license or cost, so you can resize, rotate, flip and crop images. Furthermore, you can add one or more watermarks or overlays (images and text), compress and greyscale images, change image formats (jpg, png, ...), get image information (width, height, mime type, ...) and read media metadata (Exif, IPTC and XMP).

    To find out more about APEX Media Extension, visit our website and check out an interview from creator, Juergen Schuster, with our CEO, Dimitri Gielis, here.

    Generic Report Tags

    Templates for Interactive Grids and Classic Reports just became even more simple! You can now use generic tags in your template instead of the region static ids. This mirrors our existing functionality for Interactive Reports and has been requested by many of you. We are happy to finally bring it to life. Usage: {&grid_1&} {&grid_2&}.. and {&classic_1&} {&classic_2}

    Embedded File Attachments

    Do you ever need to include an attachment inside a Word or PowerPoint file? Well, now you can! Embedded attachments allow you to open the attached PDF, Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents by double clicking on them in your output (Not all features available on MacOS).

    New Data Source Type

    When using the AOP PL/SQL API you can now pass an array of SQL statements. This way you don't have to use cursors or JSON syntax in your query. You pass a name, the query, and the bind variables and that is it! 

    Word enhancements

    Ever wanted to include a PDF as an image in your Word document? Now you can!

    Excel enhancements

    - You can now include dynamic formulas with a new tag {>tag} in your Excel template. You submit A4+B5 in your data, but the tag will make it a real Excel formula.
    - Improved Excel cell style support

    Powerpoint enhancements

    - Support for charts that need to be repeated

    PDF enhancements

    - When generating multiple files in one call, you can now have the output in a merged PDF instead of a zip file.
    - Generated PDF mobile friendly

    More cool new and enhanced features

    - In addition to Classic Report, Faceted Search, Interactive Report and Interactive Grid, AOP now understands the Column Toggle Report and Reflow Report when you pass the static id. In your template, you can use the same tags as what you do for a Classic Report
    - EMF image support
    - Improved HTML expression recognition
    - Interactive Grid enhancements (recognition of LOV and new chart types)
    - Ability to specify page margin, orientation, width, height and format for HTML and Markdown to PDF output
    - Additional barcode support and examples
    - Markdown raw tag available {@raw}
    - New samples in the APEX AOP Sample App for APEX 19.2 and above

    AOP Server

    - AOP Server will now write information to the logs whenever the AOP server is stopped
    - --deactivate option added to create a deactivation request file
    - Redhat 6 is no longer supported (latest AOP release that runs on Redhat 6 is AOP 19.3.2)

    - General bug fixes and performance improvements

    Non-backwards Compatibility Issue

    We try very hard to make each and every new release of AOP backward compatible with the release that came before it.  However, sometimes a new feature leaves us no choice.  The following feature will break backward compatibility if it is currently in use:
    - Markdown simple replace tag {tag} will now escape markdown characters, use {@raw} tag instead if the content does not need to be escaped.  Escaped characters: \`*_{}[]()#+-.!<>&

  • The AOP Team 22-JAN-2020

    Version 19.3.2 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.
    AOP 19.3.2 is compatible with APEX 5.1, 18.x and 19.x. (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3)

    General bug fixes and performance improvement

    Only the on-premises executable was updated with fixes for QR-codes and some Excel issues.

  • The AOP Team 26-DEC-2019

    Version 19.3.1 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.
    AOP 19.3.1 is compatible with APEX 5.1, 18.x and 19.x. (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3)

    General bug fixes and performance improvement

    - Word: Hyperlink will open in new window
    - Word: Invalid character in calendar fixed
    - Excel: Merge cells issue fixed
    - Excel: Angular expression bug when starting and closing tags were in the same cell
    - Excel: Ability to specify how many rows and columns you want to span
    - Markdown/HTML: Support for ledger, letter and legal
    - Markdown/HTML: Possibility to specify page format, width and height when going to PDF
    - PL/SQL API: Global variables take priority over print attributes
    - PL/SQL API: Page Id is now set automatically when creating a session in APEX 18.1 
    - PL/SQL API: Inline HTML support
    - APEX DA Plug-in: SQL with JSON syntax bug fixed
    - APEX Convert Plugin: fix bug with data source and debug mode
    - Pre- and Post-conversion command bug fixed

  • The AOP Team 14-NOV-2019

    Version 19.3 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.
    AOP 19.3 is compatible with APEX 5.1, 18.x and 19.x. (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3)

    APEX 19.2 Faceted Search

    Love the new Faceted Search? So do we! Now you can reference a faceted search region as your data source. Filters are automatically applied.

    APEX 19.2 Tighter Integration

    Tighter integration of Interactive Grid and Classic Report. When you use Native Master-Detail, Websource modules, REST Webservices and post processing, all is taken into account by AOP.

    Faster JSON Generation

    Harness the power of native database JSON functionality by using it as your AOP data source.

    Maps & Directions

    Include directions from Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, or the provider of your choice by simply providing a Keyhole Markup Language (KML) URL to AOP.


    Output a file to the browser without the need to write wpg_docload.download_file

    PDF Enhancements

    Overlay images in a PDF document. This is useful when you need to sign a document dynamically.

    HTML Enhancements

    - You can now export a Classic Report or Custom PL/SQL Region to HTML with the {@staticRegionId} tag
    - Smart HTML tags: AOP identifies HTML tags in different positions and renders them intelligently.

    Word, Excel and PowerPoint Enhancements

    - Grouping of records
    - Ability to add format mask for numbers and dates by using |sum |format
    - Groups of PowerPoint slides can now be repeated by using {+link}
    - Ability to set colors of chart series in native Office charts

    AOP Server improvements

    - More options for Processing commands (merge pre/post, ...) to give most flexibilty to adjust files before or after merge.
    - Check the version of the PDF Converter through the URL by going to /soffice or /officetopdf


    - General bug fixes and performance improvement

  • The AOP Team 23-AUG-2019

    Version 19.2.3 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the download section.
    AOP 19.2.3 is compatible with APEX 5.1, 18.x. and 19.x (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3)

    This release contains mostly bug fixes and a few improvements:

    • Fix issue when large data or template source was passed (PL/SQL API and APEX Plug-in)
    • Fix IE11 issue in Dynamic Action Plug-in
    • PDF: ability to add text to all pages and make use of {totalpage} and {currentpage} tag
    • PDF: ability to add images similar to texts using aop_pdf_images tag
    • Excel: highlight bug fix, break text will now have column formatting
    • Powerpoint: ability to add hyperlink into image in pptx excel and word: provide url with _url similar to _height and _width
    • HTML: HTML -> Word -> PDF bug fixed
    • HTML: new raw tag available on HTML using {@rawHTML} tag. should be valid HTML
    • HTML: curly braces in styles will not be replaced when it's valid CSS
  • The AOP Team 23-JUL-2019

    Version 19.2.2 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the download section.
    AOP 19.2.2 is compatible with APEX 5.1, 18.x. and 19.x (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3)

    This release contains mostly bug fixes and a few improvements:

    • Calendar export enhancements in Word
    • URL image fetch will retry on fail
    • Navigating to /version on API shows the AOP version
    • AOP Report when page size is set to millimeter bug fixed
    • Excel native format mask support added
    • Excel date with null bug fixed
  • The AOP Team 11-JUL-2019

    Version 19.2 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.
    AOP 19.2 is compatible with APEX 5.1, 18.x and 19.x. (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3)

    AOP Template enhancements

    AOP already had the ability to create a starter template based on the available data. With AOP 19.2, the template also contains the interactive or classic report tag(s) when Classic Reports, Interactive Reports or Grids are included. The template was further optimized, so you can create your own, beautiful templates even faster out-of-the-box.

    New template type: AOP Report

    AOP 19.2 is able to create a document without a template! AOP has a built-in template which will be used when an "AOP Report" is requested. The AOP Report is intelligent and adapts based on the Print Attributes defined in Oracle APEX. By specifying different settings, you can customize the AOP Report exactly as you want.

    New data types: JSON & XML

    AOP 19.2 includes two new data types. Including JSON and XML has never been easier. If you have a REST web service or you want to generate your own JSON and XML, you can just pass it to the AOP PL/SQL API and APEX Plug-in.

    New data source: REST Web Service & GraphQL

    The AOP Server now understands a REST Web Service or GraphQL and can do the call for you. You pass the url and some meta-data that the service needs and AOP will do the rest.

    Classic Report WYSIWYG 

    One of the most liked features of AOP is the ability to generate Interactive Reports and Grids exactly as you see on the screen. AOP 19.2 adds the same ability for Classic Reports. Print Attributes are taken into account to customize the look and feel of the Classic Report. In your template, you simply specify {&staticId&}. 

    New output locations: (S)FTP & Database Directory

    You can now tell AOP to send the output to an (S)FTP location or a database directory.

    Interactive Grid Master Detail Support

    AOP now supports IG Master Detail (Detail...) natively, no need to specify bind variables in order to display the correct detail records. AOP automatically displays the detail records for the selected master row.

    PDF enhancements

    - If you want a document multiple times, you can now define the number of copies
    - Ability to overlay text onto a PDF
    - Ability to lock a form in a PDF (lock a fillable PDF)

    Other enhancements

    - AOP will automatically pick up translated headers and labels
    - Percent Graph column support for Classic and Interactive Reports
    - The tag {&staticId&} works now for Classic Reports as well as Interactive Grids. This makes it easier to create your templates in case you change from one report type to another.
    - Improved JavaScript in the Dynamic Actions Plug-in 
    - More native chart support and manipulations
    - New and enhanced samples in the AOP Sample App
    - Image, Barcode and QR-code rotation possible
    - New Getting Started section when logged in at
    - REF Cursors can now be used as data source by using the AOP PL/SQL API
    - Added a function and procedure to check if the AOP Server/Cloud is available
    - Database directories are natively supported as the source for your template
    - Font APEX support
    - Improvements on default width and height of an Excel cell and the ability to customize
    - Excel number formatting and date format improvements

    AOP Server (backend) enhancements

    - Show machine id by using --mid
    - Ability to use a proxy for activation


    - General bug fixes and performance improvement

  • The AOP Team 16-APR-2019

    Version 19.1.5 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the download section.
    AOP 19.1.5 is compatible with APEX 5.1, 18.x. and 19.x (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3)

    This release contains mostly bug fixes and a few improvements:

    • AOP Template: AOP will now look at first 100 records to create the template
    • Word: Image replacing will now retry downloading image 
    • Word: Fixed issue with the latest version of Office 365 Charts
    • Word: Font-APEX support
    • Excel: Fixed highlight issue when the $ tag was used
    • PDF: Form lock feature added for PDFs: set by g_output_lock_form
    • PDF: Page numbering: Use {AOPMergePage} instead of {AOPPage}: set by g_output_correct_page_nr
      (Note this is a change in behavior)
    • Text: templating will now go with UTF-8 instead of ASCII, inline text replacing encoding issue fixed
    • AOP Server: Get request /marco will now respond with "polo" 
    • Other minor bug fixes
  • The AOP Team 08-MAR-2019

    Version 19.1.4 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the download section.
    AOP 19.1.4 is compatible with APEX 5.1 and 18.x. (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3)

    This release contains mostly bug fixes and a few improvements:

    • AOP PL/SQL API deals with invalid APEX meta-data for IR
    • AOP APEX Plug-in can use AOP_MODE application item to determine the mode
    • General IR and IG improvements
    • One page PDF: DA action fixed
    • Text: Template defaults to utf8
    • Word: HTML Tag improvements: cite, a, var tags..
    • Word: ToC improvements
    • Word: ability to specify widths in em, px, pt, cm, in IR
    • Excel: Ability to hyperlink to other sheets
    • Excel: Support for xlsm 
    • Server: LibreOffice user profile will now be taken into account
    • Server: Saving to a directory is improved
  • The AOP Team 04-FEB-2019

    Version 19.1.1 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the download section.
    AOP 19.1.1 is compatible with APEX 5.1 and 18.x. (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3)

    This release contains mostly bug fixes and smaller improvements:

    • Word: Axis titles now available in charts
    • Word: TOC link bug in PDF fixed
    • Word: possibility to add title in different axis in charts
    • Word: Bug when html img tag would produce to be repaired file fixed
    • Excel: loop conflict bug fixed
    • Excel dynamic sheets will now be inserted in tag order
  • The AOP Team 11-JAN-2019

    Version 19.1 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the download section.
    AOP 19.1 is compatible with APEX 5.1 and 18.x. (for APEX 5.0 we ship AOP 18.2.3)

    Unlimited Free Development Credits in the AOP Cloud! 

    - Do unlimited number of requests in the new Development Mode of AOP 

    Template Enhancements: 

    - URL as Template; let either the DB or AOP retrieve the document.
      The URL can be a custom file, Dropbox or Google Drive and Doc URL or other cloud options.
    - Added Macro-Enabled Office Files: Word (docm) and Powerpoint (pptm) can now have macros included
    - Added iCal format: ics and ifb format
    - CSV template enhancements

    Core Features: 

    - Font Awesome icons support when used in Interactive Report, Interactive Grid and HTML when exporting to Word or PDF.
      Now you can show the same icons as you show in your APEX app in your report! Font APEX support coming soon.
    - PDF Watermark: specify your own dynamic watermark when the output is PDF
    - Better CLOB handling, so even the biggest text in an Interactive Report and Grid is treated well
    - Column Groups support added for Interactive Grid
    - Native SVG support in HTML
    - Native Office Charts enhancements: empty data points are auto created, the ability to add labels and full axis info is available
    - New Samples in the APEX AOP Sample App

    AOP Server / Cloud:

    - AOP HTTPS will now use TLS 1.2 by default
    - Number of parallel conversions is equal to the number of cores by default 
    - Development Mode: Create as many reports in our cloud as you want, unlimited credits in Development mode!
    - License AOP even easier: a license request file is now being generated in case there's no internet access to do the automatic licensing.
    - Ability to execute your own commands after the merge processing of template and data. For example if you want to send an email from the command line or you want to execute a print job from the server directly.


    - General bug fixes and performance improvement

  • The AOP Team 16-NOV-2018

    Version 18.2.3 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.
    AOP 18.2.3 is compatible with APEX 5.x and 18.x.

    This is only a patch release.


    • Possibility to make output even paged
    • Possibility to merge making every given document even paged
    • PDF merge forms support
    • Improved table of contents. Configuration possible for tab leader, depth of heading and title
    • IE fixes in the Dynamic Action
    • General bug fixes and performance improvement
  • The AOP Team 15-OCT-2018

    Version 18.2 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the downloads section.
    AOP 18.2 is compatible with APEX 5.x and 18.x.

    Wait, didn’t you just announce 18.1? Yes, we used the flow and wanted to finish items that couldn’t make it into 18.1. Just like APEX, AOP 18.2 is a minor release with smaller improvements and bug fixes. 

    But first let us introduce our new, much faster Cloud-Server: or  where you can now choose to convert your PDFs with LibreOffice or MS Office.


    • Better CSV Support (csv -> csv, csv -> xlsx, csv -> pdf, xlsx -> csv) 
    • Improved export for Interactive Grid and Interactive Report to Excel
    • Better support for translated applications
    • Now you can specify the exported width of columns in an Interactive Report. It’s simple like that: <span data-aop-width-weight="50">Your Column Heading</span>
    • Ability to see the function that is being done by the AOP APEX Plug-in
    • Improved Logging
    • Brand new AOP Sample App with APEX 18

    If you have our AOP-Server on premises - here is what we've got for you:

    • Much easier activation of your license, just enter your email
    • Create a configuration file to be sure that all AOP versions are installed with the same parameters in all your environments
    • Performance Improvements
    • Now you can use a "memory folder" to speed up your PDF conversions

    Let us know what you think, we like to hear from you :-)

  • The AOP Team 21-SEP-2018

    Version 18.1.1 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the download section.
    AOP 18.1.1 is compatible with APEX 5.x and 18.x.

    This release fixes some issues with :

    • SVG screenshot at on-premises
    • Pivot in Interactive Report
    • Updated AOP Sample Application
  • The AOP Team 12-SEP-2018

    Version 18.1 of APEX Office Print (AOP) is now ready to be downloaded in the download section.
    AOP 18.1 is compatible with APEX 5.x and 18.x.

    Free AOP Cloud Tier! 

    - 30 reports a month up to 100 (with affiliation). No strings attached, legit for business use! Available September 20th.

    APEX 18.1 Features: 

    - Getting the Data from REST Remote Databases
    - Getting the Data from APEX 18.1. Web Sources ( REST Web Service )
    - Improvements for Interactive Grid and Interactive Reports
    - Print now all Calendar Views ( Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly )
    - Lossless screenshots of SVG charts and images

    PDF Enhancements: 

    - Now you can add pages before and after an existing PDF ( add time sheets to your invoice or put a fix cover sheet in front of your outputs )
    - Split PDFs ( Print 100 invoices in one PDF and split them to separate invoices )
    - Merge PDFs ( Consolidate all bank statements to 1 PDF )
    - Endless PDFs ( Using AOP for your cash registers in any format )
    - Create a PDF out of an image from every source without templates (PDF Converter)
    - Create a PDF out of any document from every source without templates (PDF Converter)
    - Secure PDF ( Protect your PDFs with passwords for opening and editing )

    Word Template Enhancements:

    - Generate a Table of Contents
    - Generate dynamic page numbers
    - Word Table improvements and Pivoting 
    - Translate HTML Tags in real Word formatting ( Use HTML in your Word Template )
    - ...

    Excel Template Enhancements:

    - Pivoting
    - Dynamic Cell Styles ( Decide the cell style not in the Template but on the fly )
    - …

    Markdown Template Enhancements:

    - Supporting 95% of all tags
    - HMTL Integration ( Use HTML code in your Markdown Document )

    Other Key Features:

    - Brand new AOP Sample App ( just copy all possible use cases from our Sample App into your Application )
    - Native D3 support ( )
    - Word Sub Templates ( Modularize and reuse your Templates )
    - Replace an image in your Template ( Live QR-Code replacements )
    - Save your AOP Output directly to any Cloud Provider ( Dropbox, Amazon S3, One Drive, Google Drive )
    - New Web Editor to create Templates, Debugging and JSON tests

    New pricing structure:

    - Simplified and reduced pricing model
    - Pay only what you really use ( Pay as you Go )
    - New Enterprise Licenses ( also available on Cloud )

  • The AOP Team 29-MAR-2018

    Version 3.5 of APEX Office Print is now ready to be downloaded in the download section.
    Following enhancements are done:

    • AOP Template available in Text
    • A new template engine is added: Text (.txt)
    • HTML expression improvements
    • Support for more label printers
    • New examples in the AOP Sample App
    • More IPP Printer support
    • Sharper screenshots (new version of HTML2Canvas)
    • Possibility to add your own logging function, so you can monitor AOP from the database
    • HTTP/2 support
    • New parameter to support IP whitelist on the AOP server; setting this will only allow requests from certain IPs
    • Ability to run AOP in HTTP and HTTPS together (using --https_port)
    • Bug fixing and general improvements
    • Documentation now available in Spanish (next to English)
  • The AOP Team 19-FEB-2018

    Version 3.4 of APEX Office Print is now ready to be downloaded in the download section.
    Following enhancements are done:

    • AOP Template available in HTML and Markdown, next to Word and Excel
    • Performance optimization, especially when using links and images
    • Use HTML to create Word (docx) template (page 114 in our AOP sample app)
    • New examples in the AOP Sample App
    • PDF and Postscript file are now sent to IPP printer. Dependency: XpdfReader
    • Bug fixing and general improvements
  • The AOP Team 20-JAN-2018

    Version 3.3 of APEX Office Print is now ready to be downloaded in the download section.
    Following enhancements are done:

    • Generation of Excel sheets by using {!tag}
    • Fix for calling a saved Interactive Grid
    • Ability to specify a failover AOP url (when AOP is down, it will try to use the failover url)
    • Ability to specify a custom failover procedure when AOP is using the failover url
    • Conditionally hide a column in an Interactive Report by specifying a condition Request != Value (AOP)
    • Feature added for saving files on the server
    • Support for additional native Office charts: Scatter, Bubble, Stock, 3D Pie, Combined charts (line with bar etc.)
    • Charts support multiple axes
    • Right-to-Left language improvements
    • Improved error handling; returns exact error on tag or document with errors
    • Support for custom labels
    • Ability to add footnotes with {+tag}
    • Hyperlink support by tag {*link}
    • Word HTML tag now supports table border style color and size
    • HTML to Word improvements and HTML parsing
    • AOP Trial will be prepended on trial word documents (watermark was not always shown)
    • IP printer options added to return PDF output
    • High performance PDF generation for Enterprise Edition
    • Bug fixing and general improvements
  • The AOP Team 22-NOV-2017

    Version 3.2 of APEX Office Print is now ready to be downloaded in the download section.
    Following enhancements are done:

    • Excel improvements: conditions added
    • HTML improvements: border styling (border size, color, type), paragraph (break)
    • Right-to-Left language support e.g. Arabic
    • Bug fixing and general improvements
  • The AOP Team 25-OCT-2017

    Version 3.1.1 of APEX Office Print is now ready to be downloaded in the download section.
    This release is mainly to fix a couple of bugs that were introduced in AOP 3.1.

  • The AOP Team 12-OCT-2017
    Version 3.1 of APEX Office Print is now ready to be downloaded in the download section.
    Following enhancements are done:
    • IP Printer support
    • HTML to Word enhancements
    • Native barcode support instead of relying on external program (ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick)
    • Queuing system for PDF generation
    • Performance enhancements
    • Improved Interactive Grid support
    • Ability to add sum, avg, min and max in the template instead of data
    • Improved server logging. Changed default logging to set log by adding --enable_printlog
    • Ability to set time-out for PDF generation (--idle_timeout)
    • Docker support; Docker image available for Gold and Enterprise license
    • Improved APEX plugin and PL/SQL API
    • Improved debugging possibilities on every level
    • Ability to specify the content new line as paragraphs ({#TEXT |paragraph}{.} {/TEXT |paragraph})
    • Ability to run AOP in HTTPS (--https_key, --https_cert)
    • Possibility to add your own debugging procedure in the APEX plugin and PL/SQL API
    • Improved mime type recognition. AOP understands now application/octet-stream
    • Documentation update
    • AOP Sample App update (APEX 5.0 & APEX 5.1)
    • Bug fixing and general improvements
  • The AOP Team 25-JUN-2017

    Version 3.0 of APEX Office Print (on-premise) is now ready to be downloaded in the download section.
    Release notes are the same as for the AOP 3.0 cloud release notes a week ago (see below).

  • The AOP Team 19-JUN-2017

    Version 3.0 of APEX Office Print (cloud) is now ready to be downloaded in the download section.
    Following enhancements are done:

    • New Web Editor which allows to quickly test and use AOP 
      (drag-drop template, data or write your template or data in the editors)
    • 2 new template types (next to Word, Excel and Powerpoint): HTML and Markdown
      • HTML as template => output to HTML (PDF, Docx coming later)
      • Markdown as template => output to Markdown (HTML, PDF, Docx coming later)
    • Interactive Grid support in Word and Excel (highlights, filters, aggregates…)
    • Improved AOP Dynamic Action
      • Show spinner while downloading
      • JET chart, HighChart and others (ability to screenshot a div by defining the id)
      • Custom events (progress, start, finish)
    • Output to Inline Region: inline PDF, HTML, Markdown
    • Logging ability (--logging): JSON file which stores the logging, accessible through AOP front-end
    • Tag count on Word and HTML
    • Image tag support from URL
    • HTML to Word improvements
    • Ability to set background of table cell in Word
    • Support for tags in Header and Footer in Word and Excel (new context)
    • Excel improvements
      • Styling of cells (background, font, border etc.)
      • Header and footer parsing
      • Significant performance improvement
    • Run AOP executable in Cluster mode (—-instance)
    • Table merged column support in Powerpoint
    • Documentation update
    • AOP Sample App updated (APEX 5.0) & New (!) for APEX 5.1
    • Bug fixing and general improvements
  • The AOP Team 07-MAR-2017

    Version 2.5 of APEX Office Print (both cloud and server) is now ready to be downloaded in the download section.
    Following enhancements are done:

    • Support for Interactive Grid (basic functionality)
    • More date and timestamp formats supported in Word and Excel
    • Support for currency format FML999G999G999G999G990PR e.g. $9,999,999
    • Ability to specify an image max_width and max_height next to width and height
    • New layout of generated AOP Template in Excel
    • Performance increase for parsing Excel templates
    • Unicode (Japanese etc.) characters support in AOP Cloud
    • Improved error messages
    • APEX 5.0 and 5.1 packages and examples
    • Updated Sample Application with new examples
    • Improved site when logging in: better overview, ability to order AOP online and view your invoices.
    • General improvements and bug fixes
  • The AOP Team 15-DEC-2016

    Version 2.4 of APEX Office Print (both cloud and server) is now ready to be downloaded in the download section.
    Following enhancements are done:

    • Support for Tabular Form
    • Ability to use HTML in your columns
    • Date format support in Word
    • Number format support in Excel
    • Table and special characters support in Rich Text Editor
    • Enterprise license support
    • Improved error messages
    • Updated Sample Application with new examples
    • Ability to overwrite the proxy and time-out by request
    • Option to do Local debug (downloads JSON that is sent)
    • General improvements and bug fixes
    • AOP Cloud is running in a cluster
  • The AOP Team 16-NOV-2016
    Version 2.3 of APEX Office Print (both cloud and server) is now ready to be downloaded in the download section.
    Following enhancements are done:
    • ability to specify reports on the global page(s)
    • ability to call a specific saved interactive report (ir1|my_saved_report)
    • ability to specify you want the headers in Excel as filters
    • ability to debug the AOP_API2_PKG calls from PL/SQL
    • ability to specify your own font, size, color for the IR (layout settings) in Word
    • ability to add initialisation code to set for example global variables (fonts, ...)
    • format mask support for Dates in Excel
    • format mask support for Numbers in Word
    • All new Dynamic Action Plugin of AOP
    • AOP Template now also available in xlsx format
    • Updated Sample Application with new examples
    • General improvements and bug fixes
  • The AOP Team 12-SEP-2016
    Version 2.2 of APEX Office Print (both cloud and server) is now ready to be downloaded in the download section.
    Following enhancements are done:
    • Excel improvements and bug fixes
    • Interactive Report to Excel
    • Multiple Interactive Report to Word and Excel
    • Combination of Classic and Interactive Report as data source
    • Interactive Report enhancements:
      • Ability to set filters and highlights section on top of the IR
      • Break enhancements
      • Group By support
      • Pivot support
      • Chart support
    • Area and Radar added to supported chart types
    • More template and data types
    • Code optimisation
    • Complete rewritten AOP and PL/SQL API
    • Improved documentation
    • Updated Sample Application with new examples
    • 100+ automated tests
  • The AOP Team 23-MAY-2016
    Version 2.1 of APEX Office Print (both cloud and server) is now ready to be downloaded in the download section.
    Following enhancements are done:
    • Performance improvements
    • Improved error handling
    • Rich Text Editor (HTML) to Word
    • Excel formulas improvements
    • Interactive Report aggregation on computed columns
    • Stacked column and bar added to supported chart types
    • Additional PL/SQL API
    • Documentation now available in HTML
  • The AOP Team 23-MAR-2016
    Version 2.0 of APEX Office Print (both cloud and server) is now ready to be downloaded in the download section.
    This is a major release!
    • We support Interactive Report with highlights, filters, computations etc. to Word and PDF. The only thing you do in your Word template is to add {&interactive} and it will be replaced by what you see on the screen.
    • We have bar, column, line and pie chart support.
    • There's a remote debugging option which makes it easier for us to help you.
    • Furthermore there are some bug fixes and code improvements.
  • The AOP Team 09-DEC-2015
    Version 1.6 of APEX Office Print (both cloud and server) is now ready to be downloaded in the download section.
    This release includes:
    • Under the hood improvements
    • More examples in the sample app: scheduled printing, print in batch, sending documents by email and more.
    • We fixed an issue running AOP as a service in Windows.
    • In your own data you can now use \n to add an empty line.
    • In Excel you can define multiple tags within the same cell.
  • The AOP Team 09-NOV-2015
    Version 1.5 of APEX Office Print (both cloud and server) is now ready to be downloaded in the download section.
    This release includes:
    • Fixes some bugs and has improved error handling.
    • Contains the option to select a different tool to do the conversion to PDF. By default LibreOffice is still used, but you can now overwrite it with another converter.
    • The APEX plugin allows to use an Interactive or Classic report as source for your data. Filters will automatically be taken into account too.
    • There's an option to call a procedure before the file is downloaded, which makes it very easy to store the result in a table first.
    • More examples that showcase the power of AOP.
  • The AOP Team 19-OCT-2015
    Version 1.4 of APEX Office Print (both cloud and server) is now ready to be downloaded in the download section.
    Following improvements were done:
    • The plugin is now compatible with Oracle XE.
    • The sample application includes more examples: there's a document with chart and an automated test section.
    • Introduction of the AOP PL/SQL API, which allows to produce a print straight from PL/SQL and for example save the result to a table or email the document to somebody.
  • The AOP Team 03-OCT-2015
    Version 1.3 of APEX Office Print (both cloud and server) is now ready to be downloaded in the download section.
    This release contains bug fixes and the introduction of new features in the server part of AOP.
    The APEX plugin works with APEX 5 and the Oracle database 11gR2 or higher.
  • The AOP Team 03-SEP-2015
    We updated the cloud version to v1.2 which includes stability improvements and bug fixes.
  • The AOP Team 05-JUL-2015
    Public beta is now open.
  • The AOP Team 01-JUN-2015
    We added this section to keep you informed about changes in APEX Office Print.
  • The AOP Team 01-MAR-2015
    Private beta is now open.